Complete Tattoo Removal
Advanced Picosecond Laser Technology with industry breaking results that will completely remove any tattoo.

Achieve The Skin Of Your Dreams
Every product hand crafted in Canada with premium materials we can guarantee results. This is possible through our carefully engineered removal technology which was sough out from our team of industry renowned scientists.

Instant Skin Rejuvenation
Blue Light Laser therapy targets all forms of acne. scarring, wrinkling, blemishes by restoring your skin barriers to infancy levels
This was so much cheaper then going to a tattoo parlour and paying 300 a session, thanks!
Sabrina GillmoreThis was the greatest investment I made, I cant believe I wasted so much money on other skincare stuff and never got any results.
Melany AliI have lived with this dragon on my chest for 8 years and its finally gone no tattoist could remove it I bought the machine and did it myself and within 2 months it was gone completely.
Ananya PoresaTiktok always comes through with the best stuff I swear.
Jonathan RileyIf this was around when I was younger it would have saved me so much years of unemployment, this completely removed my face tattoo.
Sanjeev MunsariMy boyfriend got me the pore vacuum as a gift for the holidays and its like a Godsend.

What a time to be alive, I thank whoever developed this pen. Lolly Fernandez