
This was so much cheaper then going to a tattoo parlour and paying 300 a session, thanks!

Sabrina Gillmore

This was the greatest investment I made, I cant believe I wasted so much money on other skincare stuff and never got any results.

Melany Ali

I have lived with this dragon on my chest for 8 years and its finally gone no tattoist could remove it I bought the machine and did it myself and within 2 months it was gone completely.

Ananya Poresa

Tiktok always comes through with the best stuff I swear.

Jonathan Riley

If this was around when I was younger it would have saved me so much years of unemployment, this completely removed my face tattoo.

Sanjeev Munsari

My boyfriend got me the pore vacuum as a gift for the holidays and its like a Godsend.

Elizabeth Myles Elizabeth Myles

What a time to be alive, I thank whoever developed this pen. Lolly Fernandez
